Yearly review

Electricity Mapped 2023

Get a glimpse into how the electricity grid developed throughout 2023

2023 in review for Europe

Emissions from electricity consumption dropped below pandemic levels in 2023 but could bounce back in 2024.

Key highlights
Emissions from electricity consumption in Europe decreased by 22%
Wind and solar accounted for more than 25% of European electricity production for the first time
Fossil fuel-based generation reached a record low by dropping below 30% of total electricity production
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Solar production in Europe since 2021


Wind production in Europe since 2021


Coal production in Europe


CO2 emissions in Europe

All insights are benchmarked against 2022, unless stated otherwise.

2023 in review for The United States

Emissions from electricity consumption decreased in 2023 compared to the two previous years but remained slightly higher than the pandemic levels in 2020

Key highlights
Emissions from electricity consumption decreased by 5%
Solar generation increased by 20% while low wind speeds slowed down the rise of wind power
Coal-fired electricity generation decreased by 20% in a continued coal-to-gas transition
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Solar production in the United States


Wind production in the United States


Coal production in the United States


CO2 emissions in the United States

All insights are benchmarked against 2022, unless stated otherwise.

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The global impact of Electricity Maps is a direct consequence of our contributors' efforts, and we would be love to have you join us. There is still much to do! Whether you are an expert in electricity/climate issues or just beginning your learning journey, there are many ways for you to contribute.

Join us on our GitHub repository, where we discuss adding new countries to the map, the intricacies of our methodology, and much more.

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