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Get information about the impact of electricity consumed in the country or region. CSVs are available for free with hourly, monthly and yearly granularity from 2021-2023.
Data versioning
We will publish new data at the beginning of each year. This will include an update to the previous year's data with the latest and most accurate emission factors. Previous data will continue to be available and accessible below. Read more here
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Note: Accessing versioned data is only available on larger screens!
The following fields are available in each CSV downloaded from the data portal in time aggregations of hourly, daily, monthly or yearly:
Datetime (UTC), Country, Zone Name, Zone Id, Carbon Intensity gCO₂eq/kWh (direct), Carbon Intensity gCO₂eq/kWh (life cycle assessment), Low Carbon Percentage, Renewable Percentage, Data Source, Data Estimated, Data Estimation Method.
This data is suitable for carbon accounting. Our direct emission factors comply with the specifications of the Scope 2 Guidance of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and can be thus used for Scope 2 carbon accounting.
The power mix is not constant and instead varies throughout the day, months and years. With the increased adoption of renewables such as wind and solar, it becomes important to account for their inherent variability. By doing carbon accounting based on a yearly of monthly average, the variations of all production sources, and of their respective different carbon intensities will be overlooked. For instance, using annual data the diurnal production profiles of solar are completely ignored.
Data is published in January for the previous calendar year. Sign up to get notified.
The data is published under the Open Data Commons Open Database license (ODbL). The the database, composed of all the datasets, can be shared, used, and or adapted for any purpose, including commercially, as long as you follow the Attribution and Share Alike terms.
A good place to start learning about our methodology is to look through our Methodology Page or our GitHub wiki. You can also take a look at our blog posts.
Yes, with the Electricity Maps API you can access a broad range of data. Learn more about all the data we offer on our Product Features Page.
Electricity Maps customers have access to historical, real time and forecasted data. To learn more about becoming an Electricity Maps customer, contact us.
Electricity Maps' platform continuously fetches and processes electricity data from all over the world to consistently provide complete power breakdown and carbon data in real-time.