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Google tracks its progress toward 24/7 carbon-free energy using hourly emissions data

Electricity Maps’ global grid data supports Google in progressing their sustainability goals


Reaching 24/7 carbon-free energy

Sustainability has been a core value for Google since its founding.

In 2020, Google set the goal of operating on 24/7 carbon-free energy – matching its electricity consumption with locally sourced clean energy, every hour of every day. In order to achieve this, hourly reporting is needed to assess the current carbon footprint of Google’s operational energy use and track progress toward reaching its goal.


Evaluating electricity's true carbon footprint with granular reporting

To track and progress its 24/7 carbon-free energy goals, Google requires reliable, science-backed data sources. Electricity Maps’ granular approach and transparent methodology align with Google's needs, ensuring high-quality and trustworthy data.

Using Electricity Maps data representing the electricity grid for countries across the world allows Google to evaluate the true carbon footprint of its electricity consumption and factor this into its planning and decision making

Google's journey to 24/7 carbon-free energy

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